We offer the complete Sysmex urinalysis solutions, for the small/medium lab and the large hospital lab (scroll down)
UC-1000: Semi Automated Analyzer

A versatile analyzer that can be integrated into the lab workflow in various ways. A Valuable solution for laboratories with a small workload. It can also perform Creatinine and Albumin

  • Throughput: Max 480 samples/hr
  • Colored LCD screen
  • Data Storage: 5000 samples / 5000 test strip images

  • Fast and highly precise measurements
  •  Identifies erythrocytes and free hemoglobin
  • Accurate Results for Specific Gravity
  • No pad required for Ascorbic Acid
  • Detection of abnormal color in urine
  • Alerting false positives
  • Albumin and creatinine in the same strip
  • Important cardiovascular and renal risk markers
UN-Series Solution for Large Laboratories

The Sysmex UN-Series Automated Urinalysis Solution is a fully scalable urinalysis solution, delivering a comprehensive assessment of urinalysis results. With fluorescent flow cytometry technology at its core, the Sysmex UN-Series offers an innovative solution for any laboratory